First State Spine Uses Circles for Reimbursement

December 7, 2021

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First State Spine Uses Circles for Reimbursement

December 7, 2021

Lower back pain is among the top 10 reasons for occupational absenteeism, placing a strong economic incentive for preventing and treating this prolific symptom.  Opiate use has been a traditional standard of care, but its failure to address the underlying cause of disease coupled with a global rise of addiction, has caused payers to look for alternative solutions.

First State Spine offers patients orthobiologic spine treatments, including platelet rich plasma “PRP” and bone marrow derived stem cells.  These novel procedures are currently out of pocket, but First State Spine is using their Circle to monitor patients’ post-operative outcomes over time, including reduction in pain, opiate usage, and return to work.  Bonnie O’Connor, PA-C, who oversees the evidence-based initiative, has tried other patient follow-up systems, but says this about Circles:

"Circles has allowed our facility to customize surveys in addition to incorporating the standard outcome measures for Orthobiologic patients.  The process is streamlined for staff, patients and reporting.  Customer service has been responsive and helpful from start to finish.”

First State Spine intends to use their Circle data to generate real-world evidence demonstrating long-term treatment and cost-efficacy, helping future patients to receive reimbursement.

To learn more about  First State Spine or its Circle, contact us today.

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First State Spine Uses Circles for Reimbursement

December 7, 2021

Lower back pain is among the top 10 reasons for occupational absenteeism, placing a strong economic incentive for preventing and treating this prolific symptom.  Opiate use has been a traditional standard of care, but its failure to address the underlying cause of disease coupled with a global rise of addiction, has caused payers to look for alternative solutions.

First State Spine offers patients orthobiologic spine treatments, including platelet rich plasma “PRP” and bone marrow derived stem cells.  These novel procedures are currently out of pocket, but First State Spine is using their Circle to monitor patients’ post-operative outcomes over time, including reduction in pain, opiate usage, and return to work.  Bonnie O’Connor, PA-C, who oversees the evidence-based initiative, has tried other patient follow-up systems, but says this about Circles:

"Circles has allowed our facility to customize surveys in addition to incorporating the standard outcome measures for Orthobiologic patients.  The process is streamlined for staff, patients and reporting.  Customer service has been responsive and helpful from start to finish.”

First State Spine intends to use their Circle data to generate real-world evidence demonstrating long-term treatment and cost-efficacy, helping future patients to receive reimbursement.

To learn more about  First State Spine or its Circle, contact us today.

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