Sustained Financial Value For Physicians and Licensees
Endocrine System / Low-T / BHRT / IIEF-5+AMS
This Circle helps physicians capture and monetize real-world data from their everyday delivery of BHRT for Low-testosterone.
The Hormone Replacement Treatment Market is estimated to be over $40 billion in 2032. The global prevalence of low testosterone (low-T) in men is estimated to be anywhere between 10% and 40%. Manufacturers will thus increasingly spend on obtaining and maintaining regulatory approvals for marketing those products for low-T. Increasingly, that spending will be focused on licensing real-world safety and efficacy data from their everyday customers.
This Circle helps physicians obtain and aggregate those high quality real-world data those companies are looking for. Participation is minimally burdensome, and members will receive recurring license fees once obtained and in accordance with their contribution of low-T cases, outcomes and other case data.
Featured Circle Elements
* Illustrative Data Only
